
quantization step中文什么意思

发音:   用"quantization step"造句
  • 分层隔距
  • 量子化步
  • step:    vi. (-pp-) 1.走;跨步。 2.踩,踏上 (o ...
  • quantization:    分层量子化把连续量转换为数字; 量化 在每个象素处,将图像的局部特性赋予一个灰度集合中的元素的过程。数字图象处理技术词汇表; 量化 在每一个像素处,将图像的局部特性赋予一个灰度集合中的元素的过程; 量化,分层,量子化; 量子化,量化(把连续量变为数字量),整量化; 量子化;数字化;分层; 量子化作用;分层; 取离散值
  • adaptive quantization:    自适应量化
  • amplitude quantization:    振幅量化
  • binary quantization:    二进制量化
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. A robust image blind watermarking algorithm based on adaptive quantization step in dwt
  2. The algorithm is based on the optimum quantization step for each dwt coefficient according to psychovisual considerations which derived from methods in image compression
  3. This paper can put into four parts ? this first part is the description and theoretical analyses of source coding , which focus on the research of optimizing equal quantization ? the second part presents the theoretical description of joint channel - source coding , which focus on the research of combined channel - source coding o the third part is about the application of combined channel - source coding to two different channel models , binary symmetric channel and cdma channel o in this part , two different coding designs are given according to different characters of these two channels ? and the last part is the description of simulation of combined channel - source coding ? most of my work are about two parts , one is to find the most appropriate quantization steps and centroid points of separate channel - source coding , another is to simulate the combined channel - source coding ? comparing the simulation results of separate channel - source coding and combined channel - source coding , the characters of joint channel - source coding are given
  4. As human eyes are more sensitive to the low coefficients than to the high coefficients , a preprocessor is employed to remove part of the high coefficients and a visual property factor is introduced to increase the quantization step in complex regions while decreasing the quantization step in flat regions




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